This is where you can set up the leave cycle for Annual, Medical and Child Care Leave. This setting is across all companies. Join Date – leave cycle will be based on the employees’ joining date Financial Year – leave cycle will be based on the calendar year Leave Group Change – select how the change in leave category will take effect; starting from Join Date or Promotion Date (effective date) Show Medical & Dental Claim – this will activate the medical and dental claim fields in the Leave Category where you can specify how much the employee can use per year Calculate Earn Leave for AL and CC- the system will prorate the annual and child care leave balance of the employee based on the completed month for the current leave cycle Calculate Earn Leave for ML (medical leave) – 1st option is to prorate based on completed month; 2nd option is based on the MOM rule (http://www.mom.gov.sg/employment-practices/leave/sick-leave) Exclude Rest Day based on Shift Setting & Exclude PH Day based on Pay Group – once ticked, the rest day and PH will be excluded when applying for leave(s) Don’t follow Half day based on Shift Setting – once ticked, the system will deduct 1 full day when an employee applies for a leave on a half working day