✓Go to Monthly Activity > Payslip Generation ✓There are 3 ways to generate the pay slip:
1.Payslip Printable Format – this will print out a hard copy of the pay slip 2.E-mail Payslip – this will allow you to send the employee’s pay slip via the email address entered in the Employee Basic Details 3.Publish Payslip – this will upload the pay slip in the employee login (cloud portal)
✓ Select the items you want to display or hide in the payslip: Print year to date detail – to show the total CPF Wages, Gross wages and Net Wages given to the employee in the current year. Hide Daily rate Calculation – this only applies to daily rates employees. Once enabled, it will only show the total amount of their salary based on the number of days that the employee’s worked Print AL/ML Balance – this enable to show the total leave taken within the payroll month, total leave taken within the leave cycle year and total balance left within the leave cycle year. Hide Hourly Rate Calculation – this only applies to hourly rated employees. Once enabled, it will only show the total amount of their salary based on the total hours that the employee’s worked. Show OT Hours and Amount Only – Once enabled, pay slip will only reflect the total hours of overtime that the employee worked and the Total amount of overtime. Overtime rate per 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 will be hidden. Hide OT Period – this will not display the OT Period covered by the OT hours and amount Show OT Amount only – once enabled, pay slip will only reflect the TOTAL AMOUNT of Overtime and hide the overtime rates and hide the total of overtime hours the employee worked. Show Payment Period – this will display the period that covers the salary of the employee printed in this pay slip. Show Zero Values – to show fields (allowance, CPF fields, etc.) with “0” amount in the pay slip. Hide Leave Information – this will not display the Annual Leave and Medical Leave details of the employee.
✓ Select the paper size: o 8.5 x 4.0 and 8.5 x 5.5 are meant for a dot matrix printer and perforated special payslip paper. o A4 size is meant for a normal A4 size paper to print, it may also be printed to an A4-sized special Infotech payslip paper. o MOM A4 – this is the itemised pay slip required by MOM since April 2016: http://www.mom.gov.sg/employment-practices/salary/itemised-payslips
✓ Click on
o Enter the date under PaySlip Date per employee or o Tick all or specific employees > enter the date on the lower left side of the window > click
✓ Select which YEAR, MONTH or PERIOD to print out ✓ Set Report Header – this will allow you to select which items to show in the pay slip header o Select from the dropdown menu which items you want to display in the header > click
✓ Update Pay Period – enter the pay period per employee or specific employees
✓ Select which employees you want to print out the pay slip ✓ Click ✓ Click ✓ Click
Sample pay slip (MOM A4)