This is where you can produce the file that will be uploaded in the company’s bank website for GIRO processing. ✓Go to Monthly Activity > Bank Submission
✓Select your company’s bank by clicking on the bank logo
✓Enter the necessary company details that is needed by the bank oValue Date – when the money will be credited to the bank account oBank Code | Branch Code | A/C No. – bank details of the company oCompany Name – will automatically show based on the Company Name entered under Administration > Company oMessage Sequence – batch number of the bank giro for the day oCompany ID – this information will be provided by your company’s bank ✓Select the employee(s) ✓Select Normal Format to view the report format and verify or review the bank submission information ✓Select Bank Format (NEW or OLD) to export the file that will be uploaded to the bank website ✓Login to the bank website and upload the exported file
**Note: Kindly contact your bank to know how to do bank Giro in the internet banking website after generating the necessary file from InfoPay 9.