The employee(s) will be receiving an email notification with their log in credentials. This is after the Administrator has granted them access to the Leave Management System Cloud Portal.
Step 1: Log in to the cloud portal using the user name and password they have received (please see above sample). Step 2: Click on My Leave > Leave Apply. Below screen will be displayed:
Step 3: Select the Start Date and End Date of the leave you are applying for Step 4: Select the Leave Type (Reason) Step 5: Click on the folder icon under the Attachment if you need to attach any supporting document (E.g. Medical Certificate) Step 6: Enter comments under Remarks regarding this leave application Step 7: Enter an email id if there is any other colleague you want to inform regarding the leave you are applying for (optional) Step 8: Click The “Leave applied successfully” message will prompt once the leave application is successful. The system will prompt you with the specific reason if your leave application is not successful. Once the leave application has been approved, below email notification will be received by the employee: